Hello, world!

I'm Theodore Timbrell. Software Engineer, AI Wannabe, and Anosmiac. Call me Ted.

Feel free to reach out with GitHub, LinkedIn or my email ted@timbrell.dev

About Me

Originally from NJ, I'm currently living in San Francisco working as a Software Engineer for an education startup. I graduated from CWRU (glorious Cleveland, Ohio) in May 2019 with a B.S. in Computer Science with a concentration in Artificial Intelligence. Prior to my current gig, I've had four internships and a research position with a machine learning lab (Thank you Dr. Ray).


WorldView was a project I came up with and worked on for my Software Engineering course (ya know, the one with all the UML diagrams and design documents). Sadly, the project never ended up in quite the completed state I'd wanted it. But I think the idea is a noble one. WorldView was designed to query the same URL from various locations across the globe and compare the outputs to detect if a news site is censoring or catering content for a certain audience. WorldView was hoping to make bubbles and catered propoganda more difficult.


Winner of my Univerity Department's "Best Senior Project Award". Synchrony was a before-its-time service that let you legally sync media playback on Spotify. Used Spotify's local playback API and a Django server we set up to maintain each lobby's playback state.

Instagram/Social Media

I keep a blog of cool photos that I've taken. I try to only post stuff that I think has some form of artisitic value.